So I am a little behind on posting. I'm so sorry to everyone that followed. The newest addition to our family arrived on November 27th, 2008... Dayton Lane Hurd. He arrived 7 weeks early. He spent his first 3 weeks in the hospital but was able to come home a week before Christmas. He weighed 5 lbs 2.6 oz and was 19 inches long. He was big for his age though. He currently weighs 12 lbs and is 23 1/2 inches long. He is very alert and is loved by all. We have been spending more time with him on the floor and letting him play on the sassy mat we got when we had Drew. Drew thinks it is his too. Last night he slept 6 1/2 ounces for the first time. It was nice to get that sleep that I have missed for so long.
Drew is a very proud big brother. Every morning when he wakes up he is very excited to see Baby Dayton and either says Buh or Day for him. Sometimes he will say baby too. He still tries to play hard with him sometimes but is slowly learning that brother is not ready for that yet.